Oct '09 ...we are tired of being told to stop imagining a better future, tired of self-interest and greed masquerading as political "realism."--The L Magazine(on why they were endorsing the Rev. Billy for mayor of NYC)
Sept '09 This is poetry that never pretends. It is the poetry of good conversation; it is the language of things as well of thoughts.-- Louis Untermeyer (on the poetry of Robert Frost), American poet,writer,editor
Mar '09 And I do not necessarily mean wine of the vine, for the palm-tree which i know better has its wine too, somewhat sweet when it is brought down in the morning but harsher and more potent as the day advances. -- Chinua Achebe, Nigerian-born writer, Preface, Girls at War, and Other Stories
Feb '09 This love is difficult, but it's real. -- Taylor Swift, American Singer/Songwriter, Love Story
Jan '09 OOF. The single word, it's guttural monosyllabic pronunciation, that's what I was passionate about. -- Edward Ruscha, American-born Painter/Photographer
Dec '08 My ambitions aren't that bold. I just want success. And a world title. -- Tor Hamer, American professional heavyweight boxer