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So embarrassing to admit that i haven't rd much of the "lit greats." (what have i been doing...?)
I gave up on Faulkner after giving up on " The Sound and the Fury"-- a few pgs in-- in High School. John Cheever? Never hrd of him. Ralph Ellison I know, of course, but i really doubt that i've rd the "Invisible Man" (can't be sure; due to the fact that i've gone through so many books, like a steamroller, over the yrs & the memory ain't what it used to be). Eudora Welty & Thomas Pynchon? Sadly, no (know who they are, most likely haven't rd anything of their's). Thankfully i can say i've rd &-- in some instances-- rerd Flannery O'Connor's short stories over the yrs (my one redeeming writer).
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