Saturday, September 19, 2009

Finished rdg "Eclipse"

over the wkend-- the third book in Stephenie Meyers teen vampire romance series that started with Twilight. To say these books are addictive is an understatement! I'm long past the teenage stage, but i've been gobbling them down like the most addictive of sweets, since rdg the first book about three wks ago. Since i can't get enough of them & i'm too poor to actually buy my own copies i've been findg them at the public libraries pretty consistently since last wk.

I ended up watchg the Twilight movie, months ago, completely by accident. My sister's boyfriend always get a bunch of random DVDs fr someone he regularly goes to. Since he always has just the most unlikely choices, we ended up w/ it in the bunch he had brought over. A fan of paranormal romances, i fell for the movie and haven't been the same since. I found the book in the lib a few wks ago & rd it in, like, twenty-four hrs! I got my hands on New Moon last Mon. & was done by Tues. It was such a relief to finish it before the movie came out. Things kind of took an uncomfortable turn for me in Eclipse though. I haven't felt so compelled about a book since Dan Brown's The Da Vinci Code.

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